It’s the beginning of the Ice Age!

Okay not really, but I sure feel like it. It has been snowing and icy for far too many days in a row now.

The newsroom was even more empty today than usual as everyone worked remotely to avoid the snow. The quiet was eerie to work to.

It was a pretty slow day as well.

I spent the majority of my time working on my Nclusion story. I have gathered so many great interviews and quotes and I have a clear picture of what the story is about. Now I just need to finish writing it!

I did get rather overwhelmed and anxious about this class yesterday though and that definitely showed in my writing. However, Molly was so kind and helpful about it today. I think this semester will go a lot better and this story is an example of that. I have learned how to advocate for myself and found the support I need in the newsroom which was lacking last time.

I think this story is going to be so much better because I was actively communicating with an editor throughout the process and she has helped me to craft this story. Her expert advice was crucial.

The other part of my day was spent doing the ground work for a story about a resolution offer for a civil law case. I met with Scott and Charlie to compare notes and make a game plan for the reporting. I then travelled to the City Clerk’s office to get copies of the legal documents. They have updated the system and now have you look up and print off your own stuff from a computer in the room. It prints behind the window still though so they can check the material printed and charge us for it. I then set up a meeting with Tim Waid who is in charge of the resolution offer.

This is a great example of how having a good working relationship with sources can pay off. I already have the sources I need for this story and am confident they will speak to me about this story and that is because of preemptive ground work I laid, by going and meeting with someone I thought would be interesting.

At the very end of the day, Skylar had me write up a brief about a COVID death. This was the second one I have done and briefs are something I am comfortable with so it wasn’t too hard. Skylar only barely edited it too so I felt good about that.

Here’s the link for it if you’re curious: