This is the final Work in Progress for the In Depth Project. Yay.
After the last class, I took the advice given when shooting and I hung out with Debbie more.
Below is what I believe I would like my final edit to be.
I also submitted outtakes on Canvas that could may be worked into my edit. My edit is also only 11 of the allowed 10-12 so I could add another photo. I didn’t feel like any of the photos I had added to the edit and I didn’t feel as if any of them fit along with them either.
I tried to organize the photos in chronological order (training, and play which go hand in hand, and then competition, although in actuality I shot the competition photos first then training) focusing on Rango, the award-winning Lab.
For that added layer, I focused on Debbie, the horse trainer turned agility handler and her strong bond with her dogs. As hard as Debbie works her dogs, they play just as hard. The fun everyone has is one of the most important aspects to both Debbie and the story.
I did find out she is retired now, just started that in July, so now she spends all her time with the dogs and tending to their farm with donkeys and goats. She isn’t paid to work for the CCSC, but she volunteers her time helping to organize the building and especially the agility equipment.
Debbie was uncomfortable with me getting any closer contact, i.e. photographing inside her home or for long periods, due to COVID.
Therefore, I am feeling pretty wrapped up with this project. My next steps are toning and cropping and captions.