WIP: In-Depth Project

This is the first check in for our in-depth project.

My original idea was to do a photo story on a member of Central Missouri Community Action’s Foster Grandparent program. However, COVID killed that project. I know a lot of us were predicted to change our original ideas though.

I am working on brainstorming a new idea now. I would like to do something people related and journalistic, but I am finding it hard to do with COVID. I have been trying to think of points of conflict but a lot of them seem overdone.

I know at this point I am way overthinking it and it has begun to really stress me out. I believe this is hampering my creativity and idea juices.

The one other idea I currently have is a photo story on someone who competes in dog shows, however, I am again having trouble finding a subject.

If anyone has any ideas, please please send them my way.

My next step from here? Probably an email to Jackie and lots of brainstorming.