Everybody better wear green!
Unless you’re Ruby.
“If they pinch you, hit ’em with this umbrella!” Ruby said.
“Maybe that’s why no one pinches me; I’m violent…” Ruby then mused.
I’m wearing green though, because I’m not nearly as assertive as Ruby.
I began my shift with a brief about the new West Boulevard Elementary School principal. This was fairly easy. I used the press release, but I also emailed Mrs. Neale to get a comment as well. Molly said my draft was really clean and liked my headline!!
Next, I worked on writing up a brief about the weather this week. The area is experiencing some flooding. I used twitter to do some reporting. It was cool. I wish the rain would stop.
After that, I made some initial phone calls to start gathering sources for the parking ticket story I am working on. I did some of the background research as well, and got all set up to write this story. Now, I just need the interviews and I’ll have it turned quick.
I wrapped up my night with an interview for my profile story.
p.s. Last night, I also attended the League of Women Voter’s Forum last night and covered that with Kelsey. This wasn’t our first forum covering together and it won’t be the last. Maybe we should come up with a cute byline name for our team. Maybe Kelandria. Or Alexsey. But also, this forum wasn’t my favorite one and that made writing the article a lot harder.