This week, I was feeling a little burnt out by the news. I am seeing the same three topics covered again and again: COVID testing, COVID vaccines, and government problems with COVID. It’s starting to become really repetitive.
I did like Irina’s story about the women who formed a facebook group to help seniors get vaccine appointments. I remember reading a similar story in the New York Times a while ago, so I was glad to see we found a way to localize it. I thought Irina did a great job with the interviews and the content box really adds to the story. I thought the lede (well the second paragraph) was great. I loved the little story about helping the 80 year old man and I thought it was awesome Irina managed to connect True/False in since that’s very timely right now.
I thought the CP on Tuesday, this City Garden School story was great too. I love the idea of this and I thought we got some awesome photos. I loved the interviews with the kids, which I know can be challenging. I just thought it was a wonderful story all around and a nice feel-good piece.
The other thing I wanted to bring attention to today was this opinion piece by the New York Times. I generally try and stay away from opinion pieces, but the informative infographics really pulled me in. This article was about the tiers of vaccinating people. I have been hearing lots of conflicting information about the tiers and who is in what group. This article helped to clear that all up. It showed the CDC’s recommended order, but then also compares each state’s individual order. I was amazed at the differences between CDC and the different states. I thought the infographic was really cool. It allowed you to compare different states and such in a clean and easy-to-read way. They use the same graphic in multiple ways so I didn’t have to spend time figuring out how to read it, I could just get the info.
Lastly, I want to mention this double truck in the Missourian on Thursday.
I don’t see too many double trucks so it was a welcome surprise. I loved how many graphics we included. I thought the page was very visual and makes it more interesting and engaging to read. These pages were really well designed.